Membership Application

Become a member to support the future of coffee.
Please fill out and submit this form to enroll or renew your company’s annual membership in World Coffee Research. Once received, we will review and confirm your membership.

Contact Information

The person submitting this membership application.

Best contact address for application-related communications.

If different, what company/brand name should we recognize as a member in WCR publications?

Is the company a subsidiary of a larger parent corporation, or owned by a larger holding company? If so, please specify the parent/holding company.

Business Address

Please provide the full mailing address for the company's headquarters.

Point of Contact

Who is the primary contact for WCR membership? (Main recipient of WCR communications, invoicing, etc.)

What is that person’s title or role at the company?

If different from the email you used for the application, let us know where to send future membership communications.

Additional Contacts

Are there other key stakeholders who should be included in membership communications? Please list name, title, email address for all secondary contacts.

Industry Position

Industry Role 

What category best applies to your company's role in the coffee industry?


Where have you heard about WCR's work? 

Select all that apply.

Membership Options for Brand Roasters/Manufacturers/Retailers

Pounds of Global Green Coffee Purchased AnnuallyCheckoff ProgramAnnual Contribution
Up to 50,000 pounds $250/year
50,001–500,000 pounds $0.0100 USD per pound $500/year
500,001–2,000,000 pounds $0.0050 USD per pound $6,200/year
2,000,001–5,000,000 pounds $0.0045 USD per pound $15,000/year
5,000,001–10,000,000 pounds $0.0040 USD per pound $30,000/year
10,000,001–20,000,000 pounds $0.0035 USD per pound $52,000/year
20,000,001–40,000,000 pounds $0.0030 USD per pound $90,000/year
40,000,001–75,000,000 pounds $0.0025 USD per pound $143,000/year
75,000,001–150,000,000 pounds $0.0020 USD per pound $225,000/year
150,000,001–300,000,000 pounds $0.0015 USD per pound $337,000/year
300,000,001–500,000,000 pounds $0.0011 USD per pound $440,000/year
Over 500,000,000 pounds $0.0008 USD per pound $560,000/year

Globally, how many pounds of green coffee did your company purchase in 2022? See the ICO conversion table.

Membership Option 
Pounds of Global Green Coffee Purchased Annually (USD)Checkoff ProgramAnnual Contribution
Up to 500,000 pounds $500/year
500,001–2,000,000 pounds $3,100/year
2,000,001–5,000,000 pounds $7,500/year
5,000,001–10,000,000 pounds $15,000/year
10,000,001–20,000,000 pounds $26,000/year
20,000,001–40,000,000 pounds $45,000/year
40,000,001–75,000,000 pounds $71,500/year
75,000,001–150,000,000 pounds $112,500/year
150,000,001–300,000,000 pounds $168,500/year
300,000,001–500,000,000 pounds $220,000/year
Over 500,000,000 pounds $280,000/year
Membership Option 

Supplier Membership Options

Bags of Global Green Coffee Traded AnnuallyCheckoff ProgramAnnual Contribution
Up to 50,000 bags Roaster Match $500/year
50,001–100,000 bags Roaster Match $2,900/year
100,001–200,000 bags Roaster Match $5,000/year
200,001–500,000 bags Roaster Match $9,000/year
500,001–1,000,000 bags Roaster Match $19,000/year
1,000,001–2,000,000 bags Roaster Match $32,000/year
2,000,001–6,000,000 bags Roaster Match $52,000/year
Over 6,000,001 bags Roaster Match $93,000/year
Membership Option 

Membership Options for Allied Companies

Coffee Industry Revenue Generated Annually (USD)Annual Contribution
Up to $1,000,000 annual revenue $500/year
$1,000,001–$10,000,000 annual revenue $1,000/year
$10,000,001–$50,000,000 annual revenue $8,000/year
$50,000,001–$100,000,000 annual revenue $30,000/year
Over $1,000,000,001 annual revenue $50,000/year

Checkoff Program

What rate will you contribute in 2023? (See minimum for each volume band above; we deeply appreciate your commitment to a rate above this minimum)

Please list all suppliers from whom you source coffee.

Checkoff: Roaster Matching

At what rate will you match Roaster Checkoff contributions? If necessary, you can top up total contribution in Q4 to reach the minimum fixed rate for your band.

Fixed Rate Membership Options

Please confirm the amount you plan to contribute during the current calendar year, specified in U.S. Dollars currency.

Please confirm the amount you plan to contribute during the current calendar year, specified in U.S. Dollars currency.

What is your company's preferred payment plan?

In which month(s) should we invoice your company? At least half of the membership fee must be paid by June 30.

What is your preferred payment method?

Payable within 15 days of invoice.


Membership Terms
