
The latest news and knowledge from World Coffee Research

Media Inquiries

Hanna Neuschwander

Program Updates
Member companies participate in global GxE cupping experiment
Quality evaluation of International Multilocation Variety Trial samples is underway
WCR News
Photo essay: Demand-led breeding—a learning journey
Connecting coffee scientists with roasters and breeders of other crops
WCR News
World Coffee Research releases new Robusta variety catalog
Resource will support farmers in making informed decisions about varieties
WCR News
WCR creates new membership category for B2B roasters
Update to make membership more equitable, transparent, and achievable
WCR News
World Coffee Research and collaborators awarded new USDA AFRI grant to modernize coffee breeding
Collaborative project will explore technologies and methodologies to make phenotyping—and thus breeding—faster, more efficient, and cost-effective.