The Coffee Podcast: Agricultural Research & Development

WCR CEO Vern Long talks about WCR’s focal work in an episode of The Coffee Podcast

Agricultural research and development, also known as agricultural R&D or ag R&D, is essential to supporting the livelihoods of farmers. In coffee, ag R&D provides significant innovation and investment to support coffee producers worldwide to remain profitable and continue farming. Agricultural R&D is our focus at World Coffee Research, where we conduct this work with national coffee institutes and universities around the world to ensure that coffee growing remains a profitable livelihood that can meet rising demand while also safeguarding natural resources.

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WCR CEO Vern Long is a trained plant breeder leading WCR's ag R&D efforts.

Agricultural R&D was the focus of a recent episode of The Coffee Podcast, which has been conducting a Coffee Science Series exploring different scientific topics related to our key crop. In the episode, WCR CEO Jennifer "Vern" Long joins host Jesse Hartman to discuss the importance of agricultural scientific research in coffee, from research to the final product in the cup.

Visit the episode page here or listen below.