
The latest news and knowledge from World Coffee Research

Media Inquiries

Hanna Neuschwander

WCR News
World Coffee Research releases 2023 annual report
Newly released 2023 annual report provides highlights from the past year, updates on major program areas
Program Updates
First seedlings from the Innovea network transplanted for field evaluation
Data to aid participating country partners in determining varieties with highest quality potential in specific regions, support demand-led breeding initiatives
WCR News
WCR welcomes Josue Arevalo Alveranga, Research Technician for Latin America
A brief profile on the latest addition to our global team
Program Updates
Enhancing access to quality planting material, economic opportunities for coffee producers in Uganda
Training session for arabica nursery operators in Mbale draws 100+ participants, emphasizes importance of traceability and good agricultural practices
World Coffee Research CEO Jennifer “Vern” Long Named 2024 Notable Leader in Sustainability
Dr. Long leads World Coffee Research, a global nonprofit supported by investment from over 170 member companies, including some of the world’s largest coffee sellers and businesses local to Chicago, such as Brewpoint Coffee, Metric Coffee, Intelligentsia Coffee, Probat, and others.