Arabica and Robusta Coffee Varieties Poster

A visualization of the genetic relationships between coffee varieties from the WCR Coffee Varieties Catalog

Digital and print-ready versions available

This poster celebrates key coffee varieties from 22 countries around the world. It visually represents the lineage and relatedness of different coffee varieties included in the World Coffee Research Coffee Varieties Catalog, which profiles over 100 coffee varieties from the two species of cof­fee plants that are in wide cul­ti­va­tion glob­al­ly—C. ara­bi­ca (known as Ara­bi­ca), and C. canepho­ra (known as Robusta).

The poster is free for anyone to download and print under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) International Public License.

Digital file

The file available for download above is suitable for digital use and registers at a size of 24 x 36 inches.

Print-ready files

Below, you can download print-ready files of the coffee varieties poster in various standard sizes. These files contain the printer's marks for appropriate alignment, trimming, and color. For the best results, we recommend having these files professionally printed.

24 x 36 inches

27 x 40 inchesA1 (594 x 841 mm)A0 (841 x 1189 mm)

Understanding the poster

Want to learn more about the Coffee Varieties Poster and how to read its various elements? Download the explainer document below.


Explained: Coffee Varieties Poster

Understanding and visualizing coffee's variety

24 x 36 inches

Mid-range standard U.S. poster format


U.S. Medium, Print-ready

24 x 36 inches

27 x 40 inches

Large standard U.S. poster format


U.S. Large, Print-ready

27 x 40 inches

A1 (594 x 841mm)

Mid-level standard international poster format


A1, Print-ready

594 x 841 mm

A0 (841 x 1189 mm)

Large standard international poster format


A0, Print-ready

841 x 1189 mm