While Papua New Guinea supplies less than 1% of the world’s total coffee exports, it remains the second-largest producer of washed arabica coffee in Asia. Coffee is the second most important agricultural commodity, accounting for more than a quarter of agricultural export income. It is grown in 18 of 22 provinces on hundreds of thousands of farms and is the primary cash crop of people living in highland regions. Papua New Guinea has a reputation for distinctive quality; nationally, production has declined significantly over the last three decades. The primary challenges are low yields, inconsistent quality and pest and disease problems. As a country with very high levels of of irrecoverable carbon, improving agricultural productivity and enhancing smallholder farmers livelihoods is critical to protecting those natural lands.

Papua New Guinea
WCR plans to begin active engagement in Papua New Guinea in 2023.
Country Progress
Export volume, three-year average
Country Statistics
International Coffee Organization (ICO). 2021. Exports of all forms of coffee by exporting countries to all destinations. Accessed from https://ico.org/trade_statistics.asp?section=Statistics
Enveritas, 2018. “How many coffee farmers are there? Global coffee farm study”
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2021. Crops and livestock products. Accessed from http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC
Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI). 2021. ASTI database. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Accessed from: https://www.asti.cgiar.org/data
Calculated using ICO production data and FAO area harvested data

The Coffee Industry Corporation Limited (CIC)
CIC was first established as the Papua New Guinea Coffee Marketing Board in 1963. It is responsible for oversight of the coffee trade, registration of coffee exporters and processing facilities, quality control and control of exports, and promoting the sale and consumption of PNG coffee at home and abroad. CIC’s research division is responsible for conducting adaptive research activities to improve and maintain the quality and quantity of PNG coffee as well as offering services to growers in the industry. From 2015 to 2020, CIC hosted a WCR International Multilocation Variety Trial site.