WCR releases 2022 annual report
Newly released 2022 annual report provides highlights from the past year, updates on four major program areas
In 2022, World Coffee Research (WCR) reinforced a premise that has been the foundation of its work since the organization’s founding in 2012—if climate change is our flood, innovation is our ark. As industry risk exposure grows due to climate change and the significant investment gap in agricultural research and development (R&D) for coffee, WCR is working to accelerate change for farmers across the world.
“I am proud to say that, this year, WCR member companies and our research partners made huge strides that are, quite frankly, just the right size and at just the right point to address the situation the world faces today,” said Chief Executive Officer Dr. Jennifer “Vern” Long, “We have focused our portfolio on the highest-leverage investments for overcoming the sheer magnitude of the climate crisis, driving the greatest value for our members, and implementing action on a global scale.”
The 2022 annual report includes updates on WCR’s four major program areas—breeding, trials, nursery, and global leadership—and highlights regarding the progress that the organization has made over the past year alongside its global members and partners.
2022 Global Highlights
This year, WCR:
- Launched the Innovea Global Coffee Breeding Network—the first global collaboration on coffee breeding in 50 years—alongside 9 country partners, including Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Perú, Rwanda, Uganda, and the United States.
- Realized the maturation of two major trials—including the International Multilocation Variety Trial and the F1 hybrids trial—the former of which produced its first set of global results, and the latter of which are now prepared to move to pre-commercial trials in Central America and Perú.
- Made substantial efforts via the nursery program to increase quality assurance for plants, training 60 nurseries worldwide, including 20 large-scale commercial nurseries in Latin America.
- Advanced U.S. legislation of strategic interest to the coffee industry and increased funding available for coffee R&D.
- Participated in 3 international coffee development projects in 6 countries, includingMOCCA in Central America, PhilCAFE in the Philippines, and Perú Coffee Alliance for Excellence, which target 130,000 farmer beneficiaries collectively.
- Launched a new funding model to provide greater equity and transparency among member companies and provide long-term, sustainable funding.
- Worked collaboratively with 205 member companies from 27 countries to set a shared global agenda for coffee research.
WCR is humbled by the opportunities it has been afforded to accomplish the work outlined above and looks forward to the additional progress that 2023 will bring. To reflect on this past year’s progress and celebrate what’s to come for the future of coffee, access the annual report below.
English, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean versions can be found by clicking the link below.