The latest news and knowledge from World Coffee Research
Media Inquiries
Hanna Neuschwander
Get to know Jane Cheserek
Jane Cheserek is the head of the coffee breeding unit at the Coffee Research Institute in Kenya, and she’s one of the many experts who collaborate with WCR. Cheserek is the liason in Kenya for the WCR International Multilocation Variety Trial, the world’s largest multilocation coffee variety trial. She oversees the care and maintenance of the 29 varieties.
Nuevas Guías para apoyar a los viveros de café (libre acceso)
El World Coffee Research (WCR) y PROMECAFE se complacen en anunciar hoy el lanzamiento de dos nuevas Guías de buenas prácticas para los productores de semillas de café y productores de plantas en viveros, las cuales están disponibles para su descarga gratuita en: Las Guías están disponibles en inglés y español.
Open-access manuals support coffee nurseries
World Coffee Research (WCR) and Promecafe have launched two new manuals of best practices for coffee seed producers and nursery managers, which are available for free download. The guides are available in both English and Spanish.
ASIC 2020: Montpellier, France
The Association for the Science and Information on Coffee Conference, also known as the ASIC Conference, will be held from June 22 to 25 2020 in Montpellier, France. This year’s theme is ‘connecting sustainability and coffee quality.”
2018 Annual Report in Japanese, Korean, and Spanish
Annual report now available in four languages.