The latest news and knowledge from World Coffee Research
Media Inquiries
Hanna Neuschwander
Get to Know Julio Alvarado Quintana
Julio Alvarado Quintana has had a close relationship coffee spanning more than a decade. Over that time, he has progressed from coffee enthusiast, to coffee student while earning his master’s at the University of Udine, Trieste and Fondazione Ernersto Illy (aka illy University), to coffee researcher—he currently serves as a Research Technician contributing to WCR’s breeding program and agronomic trials in Central America. We talked to Julio to learn more about his journey and why coffee is so important to him.

Get to Know Dr. Cathie Aime, a Leading Researcher of Coffee Leaf Rust
One prominent academic figure helping the fight against coffee leaf rust is Dr. Cathie Aime, a mycologist at Purdue University, who broadly studies the systematics of rust fungi. She is one of the few scientists in the world—and the only one in the United States—who focuses on this area of research.

It starts with a seed
In her second feature-length article for Standart Magazine, World Coffee Research’s Hanna Neuschwander reflects on how new varieties—better coffee trees with higher yield and better cup quality—could become the future of coffee … if the bet on F1 hybrid pays off.

‘The ugly truth’ about coffee: Sydney roaster in fight to keep industry alive
Sydney roaster Single O is spearheading the call to the local coffee industry in Sydney, and Australia in general, to keep coffee farmers – and, by extension, themselves – in business.

A new Arabusta for the 21st century
On the island of East Timor, sometime in the 1920s, an impossible legend was born: the Timor Hybrid. Somehow, a C. arabica plant and a C. canephora (Robusta) plant reproduced and created a natural hybrid offspring—an Arabica variety that contained Robusta genetics.