This members-only virtual event included an overview of our newest initiative—the Innovea Global Arabica Breeding Network—including its value, how it functions, the progress we’ve made so far, and what WCR and its partners hope to accomplish in the years to come. In addition, there was a Q&A portion of the event during which attendees were able to engage directly with the scientists involved and meet our newest breeding team members.
Dr. Tania Humphrey, Director of Research & Development
Director of Research & Development, World Coffee ResearchTania Humphrey is the Director of Research & Development (R&D) of World Coffee Research and oversees WCR’s research portfolio. She is passionate about innovation in agriculture and combines a business approach with a strong understanding of science to achieve real-world impact. Tania holds a Ph.D. in Plant Science from the University of Queensland, Australia, and, in her early career, she held research positions at both the University of Toronto and Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. Prior to WCR, Tania served as the Vice President of R&D at Vineland Research and Innovation Centre in Canada where she led a team of scientists, engineers, and technical staff in plant variety development, biocontrol, and automation technologies for a wide variety of crops, including tree crops like apples and peaches, and others such as greenhouse vegetables, sweet potatoes, and roses.
Nick Muir, Breeding Manager, Latin America
Nick Muir has had the opportunity to work in the genetic improvement and propagation of woody plant species in New Zealand, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the United States. A major focus of his work has been realizing genetic gain and getting improved genetics into the hands of farmers. The Breeding Manager role is a familiar challenge with a new species. Nick graduated with a Master of Science degree from CATIE, Costa Rica, in 1996 and is excited to be working in association with his alma mater.
Nick is responsible for managing the development of enhanced coffee germplasm in the Innovea Global Coffee Breeding Network in close collaboration with other breeders at WCR and partners at research institutions in Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Rwanda.
Alexa Heinicke, Senior Corporate Membership Manager
Alexa focuses on stewarding relationships with our 200+ member companies and engaging them in our work to demonstrate clear investment value. She is excited to recruit more companies for this collective investment that will benefit millions of smallholder farmers and is vital to the future of every business in our industry. Alexa has a range of experience in nonprofit fundraising and corporate investor relations, in both the U.S. and Europe. She has a degree from Babson College and is based in Munich, Germany.