Resources for coffee nursery management
Arabica resources
The Good Practice Guides are resources to support successful seed production and nursery management for arabica coffee and how to run a profitable nursery or seed business. There are 3 guides supported by a series of 6 videos available in various languages.
Quick links
Guides | Guides | Guides | Videos | Videos |
Robusta resources
World Coffee Research has published complementary videos to support the successful seed production and nursery management for robusta coffee and a manual on grafting robusta to support farmers in performing this vegetative propagation technique.
Quick links
Videos | Manuals |
Robusta clonal coffee nursery management | Grafting robusta |
English guides (Arabica)
Three good practice guides for arabica seed production, nursery management, and running a profitable nursery or seed business.
Supporting videos (Arabica)
Videos to support the good practice guides for seed production and coffee nursery management, including:
- Introductory video
- Video 1: Varieties and genetics
- Video 2: Substrates and containers
- Video 3: Nutrition
- Video 4: Integrated pest management
- Concluding video
View a complete list of videos here and using the playlist below.
Guías en Español (Arabica)
Tres guías de buenas prácticas para la producción de semillas arabicas, manejo de viveros y negocios rentables.
Videos de apoyo (Arabica)
Videos de apoyo a las guías sobre buenas prácticas para la producción de semillas arabicas y manejo de vivero de café, incluido:
- Video introductorio
- Video 1: Variedades y Genética
- Video 2: Sustratos y contenedores
- Video 3: Nutricion
- Video 4: Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP)
- Video de cierre
Ver una lista completa de videos aquí y usando la lista de reproducción a continuación.
Guides en français (Arabica)
Un guide de bonnes pratiques pour la gestion des pépinières arabica.

Vidéos de soutien (Arabica)
Des vidéos pour appuyer les guides sur les bonnes pratiques de production de semences et de gestion des pépinières de café arabica, notamment:
- Vidéo d'introduction
- Vidéo 1: Souches et Génétique
- Vidéo 2: Substrats et conteneurs
- Vidéo 3: Alimentation
- Vidéo 4: Gestion intégrée des nuisibles (IPM)
- Vidéo de clôture
Voir une liste complète des vidéos ici et en utilisant la playlist ci-dessous.
Akatambi mu Luganda (Arabica)
Obutambi ku nkola ennungi ez’okwaza arabica emmwanyi nokulabirira nassale. Birungamiziddwa abanoonyereza ku by'emmwanyi, okugatam:
- Akatambi akaanjula
- Akatambi 1: Ebika by’emmwanyi n’olulyo lwaazo
- Akatambi 2: Ekiriisa Naakasawo-Konteyina
- Akatambi 3: Endiisa
- Akatambi 4: Enkola ez'enjawulo okulwanyisa endwadde n'ebiwuuka
- Akatambi akaggalawo
Funa olukalala lw'obutambi mu bujjuvu wano era ng'okozesa olukalala lw'okuyimba wansi.
Sineema mu Lumasaba/Lugisu (Arabica)
Tsi sineema tsitsiiyeeta khusontsoolamwo arabica khukholamwo bumiitso ni indolelesamwo indai iye tsi nursery tsye kamabala ke tsimwaani:
- Insontsoola mu sineema
- Sineema 1: Bikuuka ni imuumbamwo
- Sineema 2: Bibiitsoisibwakho kamabala ni Bibiisutibwilamwo kamabala
- Sineema 3: Bye indiisamwo
- Sineema 4: Kimikhoosi kyaaburawa kye khusolanisa bikuuku ni tsiifu, IPM
- Isineema iyi ibiraka mubwiimbi
View a complete list of videos here and using the playlist below.
Robusta Clonal Coffee Nursery Management: Supporting Videos
These videos, produced by World Coffee Research, are part of a five-part series supporting the Uganda Coffee Development Authority’s (UCDA) “Clonal Robusta Coffee Nursery Manual” for the establishment of clonal coffee nurseries. The series includes:

Robusta Clonal Coffee Nursery Management: Supporting Videos
Grafting Robusta: Nursery training manual and best practices guide
Farmers interested in using grafting—a vegetative propagation technique—to support coffee plant growth and health can now access World Coffee Research (WCR)’s resource: Grafting Robusta, a nursery training and best practices guide. The guide, published in English, focuses on C. canephora (robusta) grafts, and includes background information regarding the advantages and risks of grafting, an outline of a training procedure to be used in farmer workshops, a step-by-step process that farmers can follow when grafting their own plants, and best practices for maintaining grafted plants.
The resource was designed by WCR to support awareness of grafting as a best practice for successful robusta production. Grafting is currently a common practice in countries like Indonesia—the fourth largest exporter of robusta globally—but is relatively under-utilized in other robusta-producing nations.